Thursday, 10 February 2011

A Call For Unity Between The Left

The right-wing is an amalgamation of "moderates" - whom you must see nearly every day - to the downright stupid, such as Sarah Palin and James Dellingpole. The key difference between the moderates and the extreme right-wingers (who don’t have to be as extreme or stupid as Sarah Palin) is that moderates believe that the free market is the best way this world can be run and therefore call for the deregulation of it in a bid to help people and let people "earn their own way in life". Which even if you believe that is completely naive (which I do) it is still noble as they think they are helping the people. The extreme right-wingers however want nothing more than to keep the rich and elite in power without caring a damn for the average person. A type of fascism indeed. But the thing that gets to me the most is that with the exception of a few out spoken and clearly imbecilic twats the right is very much in unity. Even if a semi fascist senator in America gets in to power it is better that a democrat getting in, in their eyes.

That is the thing that I most admire about the right, while you have people on the left slandering all other types of lefties whose views they don’t completely agree with. The right has nothing bad to say really about anyone else on the right (apart from the extreme few), and this is what I want for the left. With the rise of fascism in America (and indeed here in Britain) there has never been more of an important time for the left to unite against the common enemy and try and actually combat the right with all its force. We shall best do this on the streets, on the internet, in the media and through education. We will confront them in the debate rooms of any type and expose the truth that conservatism is regressive to humanity and is not be the best system to base life on.

The reason I say there has never been more of an important time to fight right-wingers - as some would argue the second world war was a much more important time to not just stop right-wingers but fascism - is that many people now don’t realise the growth of the right and the massive assent to power it has achieved. As corporate America is sucking Americans out from under government liberalism and placing them under capitalist regulation (all thanks to the oh so wonderful policies of the right) sometimes even moderate liberal Americans can find them saying no to things like immigration laws, health care reform and fairer votes. Because democrats are in power (sort of) most americans and other people from other countries feel America is swinging much more to the left and some claim towards "socialism". This however is completely the opposite. The controlling system (which is capitalism) is now so in control that the only way politicians can bring it back under control and therefore thrust the power back into the "peoples" (their) hands is by slaming through laws and legislation to regulate it, which of course will never be allowed by the right, it is a vicious circle. Even we in Britain have seen the rise of the right wing press: the daily mail is now the biggest internet news page in the world and we are still fighting off Murdoch from engulfing yet more of our press. Although I feel very fortunate in saying that our press is no-where near as bad as America. Most of Europe has also seen a rise in the right, and russia has even seen the rise of neo nazis. Mexico has seen the rise of "Peace and Justice" group which is completely the opposite as to what its name suggests, and the list goes on...

Fortunately with the recent crash of capitalism people have started thinking outside of capitalism and trying to turn towards other economic models that we the people can prosper in, not just the bankers. I think this will slowly come to a halt as we exit the recession and start onto the next boom years. That is why the left, must organize and unite while there is still time, because personally I don't want to wait for the next recession for people to start thinking again about how bad and unsustainable capitalism is. I am not saying that all quarrels will go away between the left, but if we can all focus on a common goal of beating off the rightwing ethos and austerity measures that are gripping the world then we will be much more a force to reckon with. Just try to appreciate where different people are coming from, and unless it quite clearly cannot work i.e capitalism or conservatism then keep your mind open to the fact that it may be a possible way. The reason I say capitalism and conservatism cannot work, is that we have experienced thousands of years in both, I think that if a system has been given millennia to prove if it works and it still doesn't it is safe enough to rule it out as working. I am not saying that we should stop listening to capitalists and conservatives’ points of view, but it is more important to debate a new kind of system rather than try to keep on reforming the current system.

So if you are a believer of Bakunin, next time you see a Marxist don’t instantly tell them why they are wrong, debate with them and try to open their mind to why their ideas are flawed. If you follow the path of Kropotkin don’t become aggressive towards a Trotskyite instead embrace them. After all, the left wing do all have the same common goal. To make life better for the average person. 

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